Frequently Asked Questions
Ako predchádzať zvýšeným vibráciám frézovacieho nástroja a poškodeniu ložísk hornej frézy.
Okrem poškodenia ktoré môže vzniknúť pri frézovaní nárazom nástroja na uvoľnený uzol alebo do inej časti obrobku, môže dôjsť k poškodeniu náradia aj chybnou alebo nepravidelnou údržbou.
Prach a malé časti dreva a epoxidu sa môžu prilepiť na frézovací nástroj a predĺženie klieštiny.
Ak sa tieto časti pravidelne nečistia, môžu spôsobiť zvýšené vibrácie nástroja a poškodenie ložísk hornej frézy.
Čistenie klieštiny:
Čistenie klieštiny sa odporúča po každých 10 hodinách práce.
Očistite celé predĺženie zvonku a následne rozoberte klieštinu predĺženia a dôkladne vyčistite vnútornú časť klieštiny pomocou nylonovej kefy.
Odporúča sa vyčistiť aj priestor medzi lamelami klieštiny.
Stopky nástrojov by sa mali čistiť po každej výmene nástroja alebo každých 10 hodín práce.
Ideálne je použiť čistiaci roztok ako napr. CMT Formula 2050 alebo podobný produkt na čistenie nástrojov.
Nakoniec všetky vyčistené časti vyfúkajte stlačeným vzduchom.
Výmena klieštiny:
Upínaním nástroja a vibráciami nástroja sa opotrebováva klieština a na vnútorných upínacích častiach dochádza k vytláčaniu plôch, čo spôsobuje nedokonalé upnutie nástroja.
To môže spôsobiť zlomenie nástroja v mieste upnutia, zvýšenie vibrácií nástroja a poškodenie ložísk honrej frézy.
Odporúča sa vymeniť klieštinu za novú po každých 300 hodinách práce.
Can I use TOT! dustless system to flatten the epoxy?
TOT! router sled´s dustless system was designed to flatten the wood.
TOT! router sled can be used for small cracks filled with epoxy with no problem.
TOT! router sled can be used on larger resin surfaces under the following conditions:
(for example, a 60mm CMT router bit we sell, has the best result with a 12000 RPM on wood and 10500 – 11000 RPM on epoxy).
Anyway keep in mind, that the epoxy behaves during flattening totally different than wood.
Wood is split into small chips and mostly dust.
In contrast, epoxy tends to form long strips that are stuck together. It is more difficult to exhaust these strips in the same way as wooden dust. Epoxy chips can clog sealing brushes and exhausting hose too.
!!!Epoxy chips can permanently damage sealing brushes if brushes are not protected properly!!!
Here you can see how to protect sealing brushes with a strong duct cloth tape.
In large surfaces of epoxy we strongly recommend:
- protect sealing brushes with a strong duct cloth tape!
- use a 50 mm hose with a dust collector!
- check repeatedly sealing brushes and exhausting hose during flattening of the epoxy surface!
- always keep sealing brushes clean!
- clean sealing brushes before/after every use!
Do you sell also strut aluminum profiles?
We do not sell the profiles longer than 1,5m outside of the EU because the transport of long packages is very expensive. You can get profiles from your local retailer for a better price. If you need help in this matter, let us know and we help you find your local distributor.
How long does the shipping take and what is the shipping cost for TOT! Complete pack?
DHL express door-to-door delivery usually takes 1 to 3 business days within the EU and costs 34€.
The UK from 1 to 3 business days and 45€.
Australia and New Zealand 5 to 7 business days and 97€.
The rest of the world from 3 to 7 business days and 75€.
Displayed shipping costs are valid only for TOT! Complete pack.
Total shipping costs are calculated according to the total weight of the whole shipment.
Prices do not include 20% VAT.
What do I need to build TOT! router sled Standard?
1 pcs TOT! Complete pack
1 pcs CMT router bit extension on 12mm shank
1 pcs CMT 60 mm router bit
a few packs of TOT! clamping dogs and clamping dogs XL
1 pcs TOT! locking jig
1 or 2 pcs M8X50mm -CLAMPING LEVER for locking router cart in any position
1 or 2 pcs Slider 10mm Slot for a smooth move between locking router cart in any position with clamping levers
4 or 8 pcs M8X40-STARKNOB for end-stops
Handle extension if your router sled is wider than 1,6 m
40x80-10 Aluminum Profile
- 2pcs cross rails
- 2pcs parallel rails
- 12 pcs T-Slot Nut / Slotted Block Type M8, 10 Slot , 4 to 8 pcs for end-stops, 2 or 4 pcs for clamping levers
- 12 pcs T-Slot Nut / Slotted Block Type M6, 10 Slot 12pcs for assembly cross rails together with parallel wheels holders (12 pcs screws M6x16mm + washers are including in TOT! Complete pack)
- 4-6 pieces Bracket 40/40 for attaching rails to tabletop
- 4-6 pieces T-bolt HS10-M8X20 for attaching rails to tabletop
- 4-6 pieces Collar nut M8 for attaching rails to tabletop
- 8 pcs End cap for aluminum profile 40x80
What do I need to build a TOT! router sled with a self-supporting frame?
1 pcs TOT! Complete pack
1 pcs CMT router bit extension on 12mm shank
1 pcs CMT 60 mm router bit
a few packs of TOT! clamping dogs and clamping dogs XL
1 pcs TOT! locking jig
1 or 2 pcs M8X50mm -CLAMPING LEVER for locking router cart in any position
1 or 2 pcs Slider 10mm Slot for a smooth move between locking router cart in any position with clamping levers
4 or 8 pcs M8X40-STARKNOB for end-stops
Handle extension if your router sled is wider than 1,6 m
40x80-10 Aluminum profile
- 2pcs cross rails
- 2pcs parallel rails
- A few pieces Cross support beams PROFILE 40X80L You can use a 40x40mm profile as a cross support beam, but 40x80mm is much stronger. Especially when you use this frame on the floor, I recommend using 40x80 (an 80mm in a height oriented).
- 2 pieces Bracket 40x40mm / per cross beam -see how to use the bracket 40x40
- 4 pieces T-bolt HS10-M8X20 / per cross beam
- 4 pieces Collar nut M8 / per cross beam
- 12 pcs T-Slot Nut / Slotted Block Type M8, 10 Slot (4 to 8 pcs for end-stops, 2 or 4 pcs for clamping levers)
- 20 pcs T-Slot Nut / Slotted Block Type M6, 10 Slot 12pcs for assembly cross rails together with parallel wheels holders (12 pcs screws M6x16mm + washers are including in TOT! Complete pack), 8 pcs T-slot nuts with spring for clamping dogs (optional)
- 18 pcs End cap for aluminum profile 40x80
Where can I get the rails (aluminum profile) from?
In case you are from other country, email us and we help find you your local retailer.
Why should I build the router sled from expensive aluminum profiles?
Assembly and disassembly of this router sled is very easy and fast. Aluminum strut profiles allow fix the router cart in any position and make flattening faster, easier and more precise. Aluminum profiles are stable and has no tendencies to bend.